Saturday, July 31, 2010

Music is a moral law. It gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, a charm to sadness, gaiety and life to everything. It is the essence of order, and leads to all that is good and just and beautiful.

-- Plato (Aristocles)
(in Divine Sparks: Collected Wisdom of the Heart,
edited by Karen Speerstra)

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Before we make music, music makes us . . .
Music's deep structure is identical with the deep structure of all things.

-- George Leonard
(in Divine Sparks: Collected Wisdom of the Heart,
edited by Karen Speerstra)

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Music is God's best gift to man, the only art of heaven given to earth, the only art of earth we take to heaven.

-- Walter Savage Landor
(in Music: A Book of Quotations,
edited by Herb Galewitz)

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Music attracts the angels in the universe.

-- Bob Dylan
(in Divine Sparks: Collected Wisdom of the Heart,
edited by Karen Speerstra)

Saturday, July 3, 2010

I live my life in widening circles
that reach out across the world.
I may not complete this last one
but I give myself to it.

I circle around God, around the primordial tower.
I've been circling for thousands of years
and I still don't know: am I a falcon,
a storm, or a great song?

-- Rainer Maria Rilke
(from Rilke's Book of Hours,
translated by Anita Barrows and Joanna Macy)